To apply for this job, click on the apply button given below. To learn more about how to apply for this job, watch this video!
CLIENT INTERVIEW SOON... CV SHORTLISTING IN PROGRESS..... only short listed candidates will be allowed in final interview all candidates must have exp in same field gulf exp preferred
How many openings are there?
This position has 20 openings.
How much salary can I expect?
Your salary will depend on your skills and experience. You can expect a minimum salary of AED 1500, but you could earn up to AED 2000 if you meet the company's requirements.
How much experience is required for this job?
The candidate needs to have at least 5 - 10 year(s) of experience working in a similar position.
Which nationality candidates can apply for this job?
Any candidate of any nationality is eligible to apply.
What will be the interview location?
The interview for this job will be held online. All candidates living in India can attend.
Which licenses are required to apply for this job?
No licenses are required to apply for this job.
Is a CV required?
Yes, a CV is mandatory.
What is the preferred visa status for this job?
Candidates do not need a visa to apply for this job.
Is Video Intro required?
No, a video intro is not required.
Is it a work from home job or work from office job?
It is a work from the office job.
Is accommodation provided by the company?
Yes, the company will provide a place for the candidate to stay while they are working here.
Will food and transportation be provided by the company?
Transportation will be arranged by the company but the candidate will have to take care of their food.
Will the company provide free visa to the candidate?
No, the company will not provide a free visa to the candidate.
Can Continental Cook from India apply for this job?
Any candidate from India looking for Continental Cook job in Abu Dhabi can apply for this job. You can download the app and directly apply from it.
How can I apply for this job?
To apply for this job, go to the Skillbee App and click on the listing. From there, you can contact HR to schedule an interview.
About the company
Ashwin Enterprises Pvt. Ltd. is in search of talented and motivated individuals for the post of Continental Cook in their office located in UNITED ARAB EMIRATES. They are a HR CONSULTANCY with a team of 11-50 employees working to offer services that ensure the highest standards of quality and perfection.
More about this job
A Continental Cook is a chef who specializes in European cuisine. They may have experience cooking French, Italian, or Spanish food.
1. Experience in the kitchen, preferably as a line cook or sous chef.
2. Knowledge of European cuisine and cooking methods - including ovens, stovetops, and baking powder/baking soda usage.
3. Strong work ethic – able to hustle during busy periods and stay organized with multiple tasks at once.
4. Excellent communication skills – be able to clearly explain menu items to guests without speaking any foreign language fluently (ideally some knowledge of basic French).
5*. A passion for food! Continental Cooks are expected to have an extensive understanding of ingredients and how they are used in dishes from different countries
1. Ability to read, write and understand basic recipes
2. Experience working with knives, pots and pans
3. Excellent organizational skills
4. Skilled in cooking methods such as boiling water or poaching eggs
5. Passion for food
1 - 1 AED/month
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Looking for a well experienced Continental Cook in Abu Dhabi Should have minimum 2 years’ experience in this field. Ideal candidate should be experienced at the following: • Cook food in a timely manner • Ensure appealing plate presentation • Supervise Cooks and assist as needed • Slightly modify recipes to meet customers' needs and requests (e.g. reduce salt, remove dairy) • Monitor food stock and place orders • Check freshness of food and discard out-of-date items • Experiment with recipes and suggest new ingredients • Ensure compliance with all health and safety regulations within the kitchen area Eligible candidates may send cv by email (ta**************l.com) or by whatsap to 00***********0
1800 - 2500 AED/month
Al Ain, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Coffee shop to open in Al Ain seeks Continental Cook to prepare meals, snacks and pastry items.
1500 - 1800 AED/month
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Continental Cook required Free food,transport & Accommodation. For more info -call 05*******2
1500 - 1500 AED/month
Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
Well experienced on grill and salads Hardworking and good attitude continental cool required