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Coating Inspector Job in Abu Dhabi
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Coating Inspector Job in Abu Dhabi

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Company: Skillbee
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Salary: 5000 - 5700 AED/month
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Posted Date: 13th Jul 2022
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Job Expires on 12th Aug 2022
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Employment type: Fulltime
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Job Location: Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates
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How to apply for this job

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To apply for this job, click on the apply button given below. To learn more about how to apply for this job, watch this video!


Job Description

Coating / Painting Inspector – Job Description - Prepare Painting ITP and Procedures. - Executes the specific inspections on materials, equipment. - Issues the relevant Quality Records and, when necessary, write and send non-conformances reports to Quality Control Manager, follow up and close out NCRs. - Performs qualifications of coating processes. - Ensure only calibrated instruments are used and calibration records are maintained. - Ensure the use of proper equipment and instruments according to project requirements. - Checks surface preparation. - Performs visual checks after blasting. NOTE: · NACE 2 or B GAS CSWIP Painting Inspector Grade 2. · Minimum 5 years’ experience as Coating / Painting Inspector. · Diploma in Mechanical Engineering is preferable.

How many openings are there?

There is 1 opening for this position.

How much salary can you expect?

Your salary will depend on your skills and experience. You can expect a minimum salary of AED 5000, but you could earn up to AED 5700 if you meet the company's requirements.

How much experience is required for this job?

The candidate needs to have at least 5 - 7 year(s) of experience working in a similar position.

Who can apply for this job?

Both male and female candidates can apply for this job.

Which nationality candidates can apply for this job?

Any candidate of any nationality is eligible to apply.

Which licenses are required to apply for this job?

No licenses are required to apply for this job.

Is a CV required?

Yes, a CV is mandatory.

What is the preferred visa status for this job?

Candidates with UAE Visit Visa, UAE Cancel/Expired Visa, UAE Own/Freelance Visa can apply for this job.

Is Video Intro required?

No, a video intro is not required.

Is it a work from home job or work from office job?

It is a work from the office job.

Is accommodation provided by the company?

No, the company will not provide accommodation to the candidate.

Will food and transportation be provided by the company?

No, the company will not provide food and transportation to the candidate.

Will the company provide free visa to the candidate?

No, the company will not provide a free visa to the candidate.

How can you apply for this job?

You can apply for this job on the Skillbee App with just one click. You can directly call HR to schedule your interview.

About the company

Skillbee is in search of talented and motivated individuals for the post of Coating Inspector in their office located in UNITED ARAB EMIRATES. They are a HR CONSULTANCY with a team of 2-10 employees working to offer services that ensure the highest standards of quality and perfection. a

More about this job

What is a Coating Inspector?

A coating inspector is a person who inspects coatings for defects such as poor adhesion, excessive film thicknesses, and air bubbles.

What qualifications are required to become a Coating Inspector?

1. A degree in coatings engineering or a related field is required

2. experience with coating inspection equipment such as microscopes, spectrometers and digital image analysis software is beneficial

3. knowledge of chemical composition and physical properties of coatings is essential

4. technical expertise in various coating types, including but not limited to water-based acrylics, polyurethanes and silicone rubbers, is necessary

5. good problem solving skills are important as Coatings Inspectors work with complex products

What are the skills required to become a Coating Inspector?

1. Knowledge of coatings and their properties

2. Experience in inspection, testing or analysis of coating systems

3. Thorough understanding of the chemical and physical behavior of coatings at various process conditions

4. Ability to analyze data collected during inspections and tests to determine problems with a coating system

5. Excellent problem solving skills

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